Resysta: Technische Fakten

Technical Facts

Of course materials should not only look beautiful and feel good, the technical facts have to be correct, so that set standards at installation for example for industrial buildings or cruise liners are complied with. Products made of Resysta have been audited, tested and certificated many times.

Thermal Expansion

Resysta is a thermoplastic and is affected by thermal expansion like many other materials. At installation it is absolutely necessary to keep the distances indicated in the installation guides.

Thermal coefficient of linear expansion (ASTM D696): 3,6 x 10-5 m/mC. This corresponds to a length expansion of 0,36 mm per meter at a temperature change of 10°C To Resysta Installation

Fire Protection

Products made of Resysta are assigned as standard to fire protection class B2 (normal flammability). Depending on the material type and profile class B1 (low flammability) can be achieved. Therefore profiles of Resysta are partially certificated according DIN EN 13501-1 with E which is of low flammability (B-S2, d0).

In shipbuilding, Simowood boards by Simona feature a very high flammability class - an IMO-certification was achieved. Therefore the material with this can be also be used for cruise liners. Appropriate compounds are produced by Ineos and Polymer-Chemie.

Certification Overview

Germany/Europe EN ISO 11925-2 B2 normal flammability
(with additional treatment B1 achievable)
US Norm NFPA ASTM E84 Class A (flame spread 25, smoke emission 450)
Great Britain BS 476 part 6&7 Class 1

Technical data

Material Resysta
Raw materials used
Raw materials used Rice husk
Common salt
Mineral oil
approx. 60%
approx. 22%
approx. 18%
Material properties
Density ASTM D2395:2002 approx. 1.46 g/cm³
Coefficient of linear
thermal expansion
ASTM D696 3,6 x 10(-5) m/mC
Water Absorption & Humidity ASTm D1037:2006a Little up to no water absorption
(only surface moistening)
Weathering and
QUV Test With glaze treatment
Resysta surfaces are
extremely resistant
Slippery Test (wet area barefoot) DIN 51097 Class C (highest class)
Fire Rating
(German/European norm)
EN ISO 11925-2 B2 normal flammable
(with additional treatment B1 achievable))
Fire rating according NFPA
(US Norm)
ASTM E84 Class A (flame propagation 25,
smoke emission 450)
Fire rating
(British Standard)
BS 476 Teil 6&7 Class 1
Durability - Resistance against wood-destroying fungi (basidiomycetes) DIN V EN V 12038:2002 the material has not been affected,
highest durability
Class 1
Emission LGA-tested safety & contamination LGA Test passed
Brinell Hardness (HB) EN 1534 81,1 N/mm2
Coefficient of sliding and friction
μ untreated
EN 13893 0,46
Coefficient of sliding and friction
μ with 2K varnish
EN 13894 0,52
Axial Withdrawal Force (of Screws) EN 320.2011-07 5777 N
Thermal Conductivity (λ) EN 12664 0.199 W/(mK)
Water Vapour Transmission DIN EN ISO 12572 μ=1300 -> sd 7.22m diffusion inhibiting
Bending Strength ISO 178 46 N/mm²
Bending Modulus ISO 178 3850 N/mm²
Tensile Strength ISO 527 21,8 N/mm²
Tensile Modulus ISO 527 2340 N/mm²
Shearing Strength EN 392 16,8 N/mm²
Durability - Resistance against rotting fungi CEN/TS 15083-2 nearly no loss of weight, highest durability, class 1 (very durable)
Resistance against mold fungi and wood discoloring fungi EN 15534-1:2012 Resistance against the wood discoloring fungi
Resistance against termites ASTM D3345-08 High resistance against termites (Coptotermes curvignathus), nearly no weight loss – very high durability
Specific surface and volume resistances DIN IEC 60093 measuring voltage 100 V Surface resistance Rx=8,0*10(13) Ω
Specific surface resistance α=8,1*10(14) Ω
Volume resistance Rx=2,2*10(13) Ω
Specific volume resistance α=6,3*10(14) Ω
Processing   Like wood with wood processing machines:
cutting, milling, drilling, sanding, gluing and screwing
Surface treatment   Only use Resysta glaze and varnishes

Resysta International

Office hours
Mon – Thur: 09.00 a.m – 1.00 p.m. 

Resysta Showroom

Hochstraße 21
82024 Taufkirchen bei München

appointments: 089 - 622339710

Logo Hofquartier
