Resysta: Möbel

Furniture of today made of tomorrow’s material

The art of creating valuable furniture made of wood is more than a thousand years old. A modern piece of furniture comprises the experience and knowledge of carpenters and joiners, passed on for generations from artisan to apprentice. Most furniture made of substitute wood are manufactured neglecting this empirical value - as these materials are usually not designed to be processed by carpenters. Chemists and production engineers decide about production. This is not the case for Resysta as it is treated like genuine wood. Individual production steps from the raw material to the final piece of furniture hardly differ from the way real wood is processed. Therefore carpenters and furniture manufacturers can create furniture of a new generation.

Armchair Tortuga Table Mammut MBM-min
Brazil MBM-min
Caligo MBM-min
DSC 3932-min
Go In-min
Isar MBM-min
La Villa Day Bed  MBM-Living-min
Summer Classics-min
University of Toronto Canada 2013-min
University of Toronto Canada 2013 02-min
Virginia MBM-Living-min
Wind Summer Classics-min

Links to furniture manufacturers that already produce furniture made of Resysta:

  • resysta hersteller MBM Kopie
  • The requirements for high-quality garden, terrace and outdoor furniture are constantly rising. It is no longer sufficient to combine fancy designs with good functionality. Instead, products made of sustainable materials with a high level of cost-effectiveness are in great demand. Münchener Boulevard Möbel GmbH, MBM for short, has realized this trend years ago and has subsequently made it a principal component of the entire product portfolio. This not only convinces the end customers, but also many architects, planners or restaurateurs who have decided in favor of high-quality furniture made of the future-oriented design material Resysta.

More Manufacturers:


  • Furniture made from Resysta: GoIn
  • resysta hersteller BBB
  • agio
  • Satelliet Logo 2020 hoch

Resysta International

Office hours
Mon – Thur: 09.00 a.m – 1.00 p.m. 

Resysta Showroom

Hochstraße 21
82024 Taufkirchen bei München

appointments: 089 - 622339710

Logo Hofquartier
