Growth Network
Resysta has started a communication platform called “Resysta network for growth”, January 1 2015. The network invites key stakeholders in the whole Resysta value chain from raw material to conversion, from trading to recycling to join. It welcomes new members that wish to join in and is grateful for any increased variety and new ideas.
All members share one vision about the growth potential and the opportunities of Resysta. The network is part of Resysta’s marketing and brand communication, whose goal it is to exchange knowledge and best practice processing possibilities among service providers and members and to communicate to the general public.
You are interested becoming part of the Growth Networks? Do not hesitate to contact Stefan Eingärtner any time: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The Resysta 2022 online Summit
The 2022 progress review of the Resysta network for growth (Nfg) started reminding the 21 participants of the key progress lines that the network wants to achieve into 2023.
The Nfg is the platform of choice for companies across the value chain, promoting Resysta and organising joint projects. It is running end consumer promotion campaigns to increase the visibility of end products made from Resysta. It has built and is expanding a circularity concept for Resysta products, demonstrating that recycling works, helping members to solve technical problems and promoting products containing recycling. The Nfg develops generic sustainability certifications (LCAs / EPDs) and material comparisons, offering education to members how to argue on environmental parameters. At this summit the group has accepted the challenge to look for further improvements of the environmental profile and has started work to jointly develop this potential.
Stefan Eingärtner, organising the Nfg work, thanked the group for a 100 % green light vote during the General Assembly on the proposed 2023 budget and welcomed the company resources engaged, giving the different working teams the right back up for working on the above target lines.
The Nfg is inviting other companies across the Resysta value chain to join the effort und to benefit from the achievements and to contribute their know how. Resysta is a pioneer in setting up collection points and creating material circularity, right from the beginning of the product launch. Providing sustainability certifications and jointly working on the improvement of parameters is key for any material and a strong and fair request from our markets.
If you are interested to join the Network, please contact Stefan Eingärtner - MD Resysta Network for Growth – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. – Tel.: +49 151 1918 0943